Recognize a Physician, Nurse or Caregiver.

Did you have a great experience at Hawaii Pacific Health? Please tell us about the physicians, caregivers and staff who made a difference.

If you would like to honor them, please write a message for those who took care of you, your family or friends and make a donation by clicking one of the buttons below. Whether you share your thanks with a dedicated doctor, nurse or someone else on our staff, they will appreciate your kind words more than you know.

Your message will be shared with your caregiver(s), however, the amount of your donation will remain confidential. Click the foundation below to support one or more of our medical centers.

Your generous donation today is an expression of gratitude — a heartfelt thanks for the care the medical team provided that touched your life and the lives of countless others. It is also an investment in the future of our not-for-profit medical centers, ensuring we can continue to provide accessible, quality health care to everyone in our community, regardless of their ability to pay.

Sharing your story is also a powerful way that you can help support our mission. Your journey may inspire other families who are facing similar experiences.

“Whenever I look at my grandson, I have such a debt of gratitude for everything Kapi‘olani Medical Center for Women & Children did for our family.” — Diane Ono

To learn more about making a gift or to speak with a development director, please call 808-535-7157 or email [email protected].