Inspire 2016 FALL

Straub: Finding the Right Words to Live By

Concetta gives back to Straub as her way of showing appreciation for her wonderful care Concetta gives back to Straub as her way of showing appreciation for her wonderful care
Giving is receiving. It’s just that simple. When you give, you get back in a million different ways.
Concetta DiLeo

In annual Christmas letters to family and friends, Concetta DiLeo chooses one word to sum up the year. In 2014, that word was “preservation” because she spent a lot of time taking care of herself with cancer. She never thought of lymphoma, as a permanent part of her, it was something she needed to attend to, nurture, and get past.

One thing that comforted Concetta were her experiences with competent, caring doctors at Straub Medical Center. When they diagnosed a growth on her nose, they detected a tumor on her optic nerve. Treating it saved her eyesight. Concetta also loved being able to dance a couple of weeks after her hip surgeries. She has a tremendous amount of confidence in the physicians at Straub. 

But the personal touches were what lifted Concetta’s spirits the most. 

“My friend and I had lymphoma at the same time,” she said. “After two years, she got hers back. When I was feeling fatigued, I wondered if it were the same for me. I shared my concern with my oncologist. Because of my concern, right after the blood results came back, Dr. Ian Okazaki had his assistant Gemma call me to say everything was OK. I really appreciated his sensitivity and the results made me very happy.” 

Concetta has always given to Straub as a way of showing appreciation for her wonderful care. Recently she donated money for a new training and conference room for the bone and joint center in honor of orthopedic surgeon Dr. Cass Nakasone. The former school principal also established a charitable gift annuity especially for Straub. She created a scholarship to encourage physicians at Straub to learn integrative medicine, so they can have more tools to better care for their patients. 

“Integrated medicine is a discipline that we want to be aware of as we partner with patients in preventative and comprehensive health care,” said internist Dr. Kathleen Kozak. “Concetta’s contribution has allowed me to learn more about alternative methods for healing responses. 

“It’s remarkable that a donor is so committed to this and I know patients will benefit from our understanding of how modern medicine complements non-traditional practices that promote mind, body and spirit.”  

“Giving is receiving. It’s just that simple,” Concetta said. “When you give, you get back in a million different ways.” 

Inspired by her experience with cancer, Concetta is now working at finding more time to have fun. She is selling her home to free her up so she can take art and dance courses, travel, read, cook, exercise and enjoy the company of her friends.

Thanks to ever-changing research and devoted doctors, “Whenever I hear the word cancer, I feel the word hope,” she said.