Inspire 2017 FALL
Pali Momi: Volunteer Endeavor, A Lasting Legacy

Pali Momi Medical Center celebrated its history by remembering a couple who dedicated 20 years to serving the hospital. Robert and Janet Abe were among 12 original volunteers in 1989.
“When Pali Momi first opened, my father was assigned to do the guided tours,” daughter Joanne Abe said. “He later worked in guest registration to help patients check-in. My mother would open the Pali Momi Gift Shop where she volunteered. Every Friday was boldly marked on their calendar as ‘volunteer day.’ Fridays were sacred days to my parents.”
The Abe ‘ohana made a gift that honors their parents’ spirit and belief in giving back to the community. The Robert and Janet Abe endowment will support volunteer services and the cancer center at Pali Momi. The Volunteer Services Fund helps our community volunteers do amazing work by providing wheelchairs, book carts and crafts to support the healing process.
“A friend reminded me, ‘You celebrate a person's life by remembering he or she is still with you.’
“I celebrate my parents’ life every day,” Joanne said.