Inspire 2017 SPRING
Pali Momi: Elevating Stroke Care

Providing excellent stroke care at Pali Momi Medical Center is a personal mission for Dr. Huidy Shu, medical director of neurological services. In 2002, just as he was about to begin his medical career, he found himself in the role of a patient, caring for his dad.
“I began to notice memory problems in my father,” said Dr. Shu. “His senior moments slowly became more frequent.”
An initial neurological evaluation suggested it was a normal part of the aging process.
“I was relieved but somewhat skeptical to hear this as dad's memory loss continued to progress,” Dr. Shu said. “In 2007, I took him to see a behavioral neurology specialist who eventually provided a diagnosis of dementia due to Alzheimer's disease.”
It was a life-changing experience, one that has shaped the way Dr. Shu relates to his patients and their families who are going through the same challenges.
“Within the first few months of my arrival to Pali Momi in 2010, I quickly noticed that the two most burdensome neurological issues facing our community were stroke and dementia,” said Dr. Shu.
Since then, with Dr. Shu and his team in place, Pali Momi has elevated its stroke care. Pali Momi’s Stroke Center has treated more than a thousand patients with the latest technologies and most up-to-date methods available. It achieved accreditation as a Primary Stroke Center by the Joint Commission. For three straight years, Pali Momi’s Stroke Center has also been honored as a Gold Plus Award winner by the American Heart Association and America Stroke Association for the quality of clinical care.
As the only trauma center for Central and West Oahu, Pali Momi continues to educate its staff on the best way to treat stroke patients or anyone in emergency situations when his or her life is at risk. Health care, like other high-risk industries including the airline and nuclear industries, requires frequent and intense training because lives are at stake. Simulation training is an essential part of improving patient safety and outcomes.
“Simulation training creates a virtual environment that allows for teamwork, engagement and communication and is the only place, besides the real clinical setting, to practice this type of skill mastery,” said Amy Thomas, director of clinical education.
High-fidelity manikins that mimic real-life patients’ symptoms and reactions allows physicians and nurses to learn from their mistakes without compromising a patient’s safety. “It also allows us to train with our own equipment in our own environment and practice skills that would otherwise take years to develop in the clinical setting,” said Amy.
Research shows that simulation training retention rates are nearly 70 percent higher than traditional training methods.
A recent donation in support of Pali Momi’s trauma and stroke program will help equip an on-site simulation lab. The Pali Momi Foundation is fundraising for three simulation bays, simulators, computer stations, online trauma modules, defibrillators and life-support equipment. This type of hands-on learning environment will greatly enhance trauma care abilities and emergency situations such as Code Stroke (stroke emergency) and Code STEMI (cardiac emergency).
“Pali Momi has a vision for treating our community and we are honored to help provide the tools necessary to save lives,” said Gidget Ruscetta, chief operating officer at Pali Momi. “Practice makes perfect. These simulation manikins, medical equipment and software are the future of health care. Being prepared is everything.”