Inspire 2017 SPRING
HPH: 2016 Employee Giving Campaign

In 2016, the Hawaii Pacific Health team was inspired to give more than ever before. HPH’s Employee Giving Campaign (EGC) raised a record $944,900. The money was raised over a one-month period through personal gifts and pledges by 3,885 staff members.
The majority of the EGC donations will benefit patient emergency assistance funds at the four medical centers. These funds support many unreimbursed services as well as medication, medical equipment, transportation and necessities for healing that further Hawaii Pacific Health’s mission to create a healthier Hawaii.
“Our employees care deeply about their patients and the results of this Employee Giving Campaign demonstrate that,” said Gail Lerch, executive vice president for human resources and organizational effectiveness. “What is inspiring to all of us is the personal choice our employees made to get involved and give back. Participation in this campaign is completely voluntary. We are so proud to work alongside such generous employees from senior leadership to housekeeping.”